SEO test result

Last tested URL from domain

Loading the page

URL address (destination address in case of redirection):

Retrieved from:
17. 12. 2024 23:38

Status code: 200

Well done! Your URL returns a successful HTTP status code.

1 / 1

Content type: text/html

Well done! Your URL returns content in HTML format.

1 / 1

Number of redirects: 0

Well done! The URL goes directly to your content.

2 / 2

Protocol: https

Well done! The URL uses the encrypted HTTPS protocol.

1 / 1

Redirect to: Error

An error occurred when querying one of the '' or '' addresses.

0 / 1

URL length: 13 of characters

Well done! Your URL is a reasonable length.

1 / 1

File robots.txt: -

There is a robots.txt file uploaded on your site, but the sitemap address is not filled in.

1 / 2

Sitemap: -

The site map address is not filled in the robots.txt file.

0 / 2

Achieved score:
7 / 11

Content analysis

Character set settings: utf-8

Well done! Your page has the correct character set.

1 / 1

Meta tag position with character set: 88656 - 88678 B

The character set setting used is too late on your page. The meta charset tag should be included in the first 1024 bytes of the page. Ideally immediately after the opening head tag.

0 / 1

Language: cs

Great! Your page is set to the language used.

1 / 1

Meta title: minus-square

Well done! Your page has set a reasonably long headline.

2 / 2

Meta description: -

Your page does not have the correct meta description!

0 / 2

H1 heading:
<h1>How Americans responded in 1955 when the invention of the polio vaccine was announced</h1>
<h1>How Americans responded in 1955 when the invention of the polio vaccine was announced</h1>
<h1>Why did we stop doing this?</h1>
<h1>Why did we stop doing this?</h1>
<h1>Banning masks means banning (a subset) of disabled people from public places without great risk to their health</h1>
<h1>Banning masks means banning (a subset) of disabled people from public places without great risk to their health</h1>
<h1>I will not disappoint my ancestors</h1>
<h1>I will not disappoint my ancestors</h1>
<h1>Most iPhone owners see little to no value in Apple Intelligence so far</h1>
<h1>Most iPhone owners see little to no value in Apple Intelligence so far</h1>
<h1>A special 911 for CEOs who feel threatened</h1>
<h1>A special 911 for CEOs who feel threatened</h1>
<h1>Types of IT guys</h1>
<h1>Types of IT guys</h1>
<h1>Explain this, humankind</h1>
<h1>Explain this, humankind</h1>
<h1>Interesting analogy</h1>
<h1>Interesting analogy</h1>
<h1>Go in the van</h1>
<h1>Go in the van</h1>
<h1>This is infinitively worse</h1>
<h1>This is infinitively worse</h1>
<h1>Seagate launches 30/32TB capacity Exos M mechanical HDD (30/32TB capacity)</h1>
<h1>Seagate launches 30/32TB capacity Exos M mechanical HDD (30/32TB capacity)</h1>
<h1>I like how the title pretends *nix operating systems don't exist</h1>
<h1>I like how the title pretends *nix operating systems don't exist</h1>
<h1>New York May Create Hotline For Threatened CEOs</h1>
<h1>New York May Create Hotline For Threatened CEOs</h1>
<h1>A bomb killed a Russian general in Moscow. A Ukrainian official says secret service was behind it</h1>
<h1>A bomb killed a Russian general in Moscow. A Ukrainian official says secret service was behind it</h1>
<h1>You know what scares us about big tech? Planned obsolescence.</h1>
<h1>You know what scares us about big tech? Planned obsolescence.</h1>
<h1>Reproductive Fights</h1>
<h1>Reproductive Fights</h1>
<h1>Borderlands 4 will cut back on 'toilet humor,' says Gearbox: 'If the word skibidi ships in the game under my watch I'm gonna cry real tears'</h1>
<h1>Borderlands 4 will cut back on 'toilet humor,' says Gearbox: 'If the word skibidi ships in the game under my watch I'm gonna cry real tears'</h1>

Your page contains multiple H1 headings. It is best for SEO if the page contains just one H1 heading.

1 / 2

Order of headings:
     <h1>How Americans responded in 1955 when the invention…
     <h1>How Americans responded in 1955 when the invention…
     <h1>Why did we stop doing this?
     <h1>Why did we stop doing this?
     <h1>Banning masks means banning (a subset) of disabled…
     <h1>Banning masks means banning (a subset) of disabled…
     <h1>I will not disappoint my ancestors
     <h1>I will not disappoint my ancestors
     <h1>Most iPhone owners see little to no value in Apple…
     <h1>Most iPhone owners see little to no value in Apple…
     <h1>A special 911 for CEOs who feel threatened
     <h1>A special 911 for CEOs who feel threatened
     <h1>Types of IT guys
     <h1>Types of IT guys
     <h1>Explain this, humankind
     <h1>Explain this, humankind
     <h1>Interesting analogy
     <h1>Interesting analogy
     <h1>Go in the van
     <h1>Go in the van
     <h1>This is infinitively worse
     <h1>This is infinitively worse
     <h1>Seagate launches 30/32TB capacity Exos M mechanica…
     <h1>Seagate launches 30/32TB capacity Exos M mechanica…
     <h1>I like how the title pretends *nix operating syste…
     <h1>I like how the title pretends *nix operating syste…
     <h1>New York May Create Hotline For Threatened CEOs
     <h1>New York May Create Hotline For Threatened CEOs
     <h1>A bomb killed a Russian general in Moscow. A Ukrai…
     <h1>A bomb killed a Russian general in Moscow. A Ukrai…
     <h1>You know what scares us about big tech? Planned ob…
     <h1>You know what scares us about big tech? Planned ob…
     <h1>Reproductive Fights
     <h1>Reproductive Fights
     <h1>Borderlands 4 will cut back on 'toilet humor,' say…
     <h1>Borderlands 4 will cut back on 'toilet humor,' say…
                              <h6>Your Gateway to the Unfiltered Fediverse

The headings on your page are not in the correct order!

0 / 1

Number of headings: 42

Your page contains more than 20 of headlines.

0 / 1

Length of headings: OK

Well done! Your page contains only reasonably long headlines.

1 / 1

Number of pictures: 113

Well done! Your page contains pictures.

1 / 1

Number of pictures without description: OK

Well done! All the images on your page have a filled in caption (alt attribute).

1 / 1

Number of links:
  • Number of internal follow links: 174
  • Number of internal nofollow links: 0

Well done! Your site contains a good amount of internal follow links.

2 / 2

Number of links:
  • Number of external follow links: 106
  • Number of external nofollow links: 0

Well done! Your site contains a good amount of internal follow links.

2 / 2

Number of iframe tags: 0

Well done! Your page does not contain an iframe tag.

1 / 1

Page icon: The page icon is filled in

Well done! Your page has filled in the page icon.

1 / 1

Page icon for Apple: The page icon is filled in

Well done! Your page has the page icon filled in for Apple devices.

2 / 2

Paragraphs: Paragraphs contain text of 1088 characters. The length of all text on the page is 9499 characters.

Less than half of all text on the page is in paragraphs. Consider using paragraphs for text placement.

0 / 1

Redundant content: The page contains content in the comments: '! ...'.

There is redundant content in the comments section of the page. Please consider removing this redundant content.

0 / 1

Achieved score:
16 / 24


Using HTML 5: OK

Well done! Your page uses the HTML 5 standard.

1 / 1

Using headers: OK

Well done! Yours contains the header.

1 / 1

Use of footers: OK

Well done! Yours contains a footer.

1 / 1

Using navigation: OK

Well done! Yours includes navigation.

1 / 1

Division of content into sections: OK

Well done! Yours has the content divided into sections.

1 / 1

Obsolete elements: -

Well done! Your page does not contain any outdated HTML elements.

1 / 1

Achieved score:
6 / 6

Tags for social networks

Language settings: -

Your page does not have the correct tag value for the page language!

0 / 1

Content type settings: website

Well done! Your page has the correct tag for the page content type.

1 / 1

URL settings: https://{{ domain }}/

Your page has a page URL tag set, but its value does not contain a valid absolute URL.

1 / 2

Page Title: R.NF - Your Gateway to the Unfiltered Fediverse

Well done! Your page has the correct page title tag and the title is the appropriate size.

2 / 2

Page description: -

Your page does not have the correct tag value for the page description!

0 / 2

Setting the cover image: -

Your page does not have the correct tag value for the page title image!

0 / 2

Achieved score:
4 / 10

Keyword analysis

Number of words per page: 778

Well done! Your page contains enough words. There are '778' of words on the page.

2 / 2

The most common words on the page:
před | memeslemmyworldenglish | technologylemmyworldenglish | stripslemmyworld | comic | microblog | will | edit2před | uživatelů | lemmy

The most common words on your site should include your keywords.

1 / 1

Keyword consistency:
total numberin the captionin the descriptionin the headings

In the title, description and headings you have few key consider adding them.

0 / 0

Achieved score:
3 / 3

Loading resources

Using gzip compression: The web server uses gzip compression

Well done! Your server uses gzip compresses.

1 / 1

Page size: 41.4 kB

Well done! Your page is a reasonable size.

1 / 1

Files to load:
Linked files
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/static/61a827a1/js/date-fns-cs-mjs.client.js3.9 kB kB
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/css/themes/darkly.css33.5 kB
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/css/code-themes/atom-one-dark.css1.8 kB
/feeds/all.xml?sort=Active5.9 kB
Linked script files
/cdn-cgi/scripts/5c5dd728/cloudflare-static/email-decode.min.js1.5 kB
/static/61a827a1/js/client.js485.2 kB
Linked image files kB kB kB kB kB
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/static/61a827a1/assets/icons/icon-96x96.png3.5 kB
/static/61a827a1/assets/icons/icon-96x96.png3.5 kB kB kB
/static/61a827a1/assets/icons/icon-96x96.png3.5 kB
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/static/61a827a1/assets/icons/icon-96x96.png3.5 kB
/static/61a827a1/assets/icons/icon-96x96.png3.5 kB kB kB kB kB
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/static/61a827a1/assets/icons/icon-96x96.png3.5 kB kB kB 510.4 kB kB
TOTAL4 775.1 kB

Your page, including the source code, is 4 816.5 kB in size. Consider reducing the data transferred to display the page.

0 / 2

Number of requests: 75

Your page needs more than 30 of additional HTTP requests to load. Consider optimizing its number.

0 / 1

Achieved score:
2 / 5


Responsiveness: It is responsive

Well done! Your page is responsive and uses the viewport meta tag.

1 / 1

Using Unused

Your site does not use, consider using structured data.

0 / 2

Using Google Tag Manager: Unused

Your site does not use GTM, consider using it.

0 / 2

Links to error pages: Excludes
Note: Only 30 of randomly selected internal links were tested. Your page contains 174 of internal links.

Well done! Your page does not contain links to error pages.

1 / 1

Achieved score:
2 / 6

SEO test result

View the SEO test log Download the SEO test report
Achieved score:
(40 / 65)

61.5 %

Our type for linkbuilding

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Loading the page

URL address (destination address in case of redirection):

Retrieved from:
17. 12. 2024 23:38

Status code: 200

Well done! Your URL returns a successful HTTP status code.

1 / 1

Content type: text/html

Well done! Your URL returns content in HTML format.

1 / 1

Number of redirects: 0

Well done! The URL goes directly to your content.

2 / 2

Protocol: https

Well done! The URL uses the encrypted HTTPS protocol.

1 / 1

Redirect to: Error

An error occurred when querying one of the '' or '' addresses.

0 / 1

URL length: 13 of characters

Well done! Your URL is a reasonable length.

1 / 1

File robots.txt: -

There is a robots.txt file uploaded on your site, but the sitemap address is not filled in.

1 / 2

Sitemap: -

The site map address is not filled in the robots.txt file.

0 / 2

Achieved score:
7 / 11

Content analysis

Character set settings: utf-8

Well done! Your page has the correct character set.

1 / 1

Meta tag position with character set: 88656 - 88678 B

The character set setting used is too late on your page. The meta charset tag should be included in the first 1024 bytes of the page. Ideally immediately after the opening head tag.

0 / 1

Language: cs

Great! Your page is set to the language used.

1 / 1

Meta title: minus-square

Well done! Your page has set a reasonably long headline.

2 / 2

Meta description: -

Your page does not have the correct meta description!

0 / 2

H1 heading:
<h1>How Americans responded in 1955 when the invention of the polio vaccine was announced</h1>
<h1>How Americans responded in 1955 when the invention of the polio vaccine was announced</h1>
<h1>Why did we stop doing this?</h1>
<h1>Why did we stop doing this?</h1>
<h1>Banning masks means banning (a subset) of disabled people from public places without great risk to their health</h1>
<h1>Banning masks means banning (a subset) of disabled people from public places without great risk to their health</h1>
<h1>I will not disappoint my ancestors</h1>
<h1>I will not disappoint my ancestors</h1>
<h1>Most iPhone owners see little to no value in Apple Intelligence so far</h1>
<h1>Most iPhone owners see little to no value in Apple Intelligence so far</h1>
<h1>A special 911 for CEOs who feel threatened</h1>
<h1>A special 911 for CEOs who feel threatened</h1>
<h1>Types of IT guys</h1>
<h1>Types of IT guys</h1>
<h1>Explain this, humankind</h1>
<h1>Explain this, humankind</h1>
<h1>Interesting analogy</h1>
<h1>Interesting analogy</h1>
<h1>Go in the van</h1>
<h1>Go in the van</h1>
<h1>This is infinitively worse</h1>
<h1>This is infinitively worse</h1>
<h1>Seagate launches 30/32TB capacity Exos M mechanical HDD (30/32TB capacity)</h1>
<h1>Seagate launches 30/32TB capacity Exos M mechanical HDD (30/32TB capacity)</h1>
<h1>I like how the title pretends *nix operating systems don't exist</h1>
<h1>I like how the title pretends *nix operating systems don't exist</h1>
<h1>New York May Create Hotline For Threatened CEOs</h1>
<h1>New York May Create Hotline For Threatened CEOs</h1>
<h1>A bomb killed a Russian general in Moscow. A Ukrainian official says secret service was behind it</h1>
<h1>A bomb killed a Russian general in Moscow. A Ukrainian official says secret service was behind it</h1>
<h1>You know what scares us about big tech? Planned obsolescence.</h1>
<h1>You know what scares us about big tech? Planned obsolescence.</h1>
<h1>Reproductive Fights</h1>
<h1>Reproductive Fights</h1>
<h1>Borderlands 4 will cut back on 'toilet humor,' says Gearbox: 'If the word skibidi ships in the game under my watch I'm gonna cry real tears'</h1>
<h1>Borderlands 4 will cut back on 'toilet humor,' says Gearbox: 'If the word skibidi ships in the game under my watch I'm gonna cry real tears'</h1>

Your page contains multiple H1 headings. It is best for SEO if the page contains just one H1 heading.

1 / 2

Order of headings:
     <h1>How Americans responded in 1955 when the invention…
     <h1>How Americans responded in 1955 when the invention…
     <h1>Why did we stop doing this?
     <h1>Why did we stop doing this?
     <h1>Banning masks means banning (a subset) of disabled…
     <h1>Banning masks means banning (a subset) of disabled…
     <h1>I will not disappoint my ancestors
     <h1>I will not disappoint my ancestors
     <h1>Most iPhone owners see little to no value in Apple…
     <h1>Most iPhone owners see little to no value in Apple…
     <h1>A special 911 for CEOs who feel threatened
     <h1>A special 911 for CEOs who feel threatened
     <h1>Types of IT guys
     <h1>Types of IT guys
     <h1>Explain this, humankind
     <h1>Explain this, humankind
     <h1>Interesting analogy
     <h1>Interesting analogy
     <h1>Go in the van
     <h1>Go in the van
     <h1>This is infinitively worse
     <h1>This is infinitively worse
     <h1>Seagate launches 30/32TB capacity Exos M mechanica…
     <h1>Seagate launches 30/32TB capacity Exos M mechanica…
     <h1>I like how the title pretends *nix operating syste…
     <h1>I like how the title pretends *nix operating syste…
     <h1>New York May Create Hotline For Threatened CEOs
     <h1>New York May Create Hotline For Threatened CEOs
     <h1>A bomb killed a Russian general in Moscow. A Ukrai…
     <h1>A bomb killed a Russian general in Moscow. A Ukrai…
     <h1>You know what scares us about big tech? Planned ob…
     <h1>You know what scares us about big tech? Planned ob…
     <h1>Reproductive Fights
     <h1>Reproductive Fights
     <h1>Borderlands 4 will cut back on 'toilet humor,' say…
     <h1>Borderlands 4 will cut back on 'toilet humor,' say…
                              <h6>Your Gateway to the Unfiltered Fediverse

The headings on your page are not in the correct order!

0 / 1

Number of headings: 42

Your page contains more than 20 of headlines.

0 / 1

Length of headings: OK

Well done! Your page contains only reasonably long headlines.

1 / 1

Number of pictures: 113

Well done! Your page contains pictures.

1 / 1

Number of pictures without description: OK

Well done! All the images on your page have a filled in caption (alt attribute).

1 / 1

Number of links:
  • Number of internal follow links: 174
  • Number of internal nofollow links: 0

Well done! Your site contains a good amount of internal follow links.

2 / 2

Number of links:
  • Number of external follow links: 106
  • Number of external nofollow links: 0

Well done! Your site contains a good amount of internal follow links.

2 / 2

Number of iframe tags: 0

Well done! Your page does not contain an iframe tag.

1 / 1

Page icon: The page icon is filled in

Well done! Your page has filled in the page icon.

1 / 1

Page icon for Apple: The page icon is filled in

Well done! Your page has the page icon filled in for Apple devices.

2 / 2

Paragraphs: Paragraphs contain text of 1088 characters. The length of all text on the page is 9499 characters.

Less than half of all text on the page is in paragraphs. Consider using paragraphs for text placement.

0 / 1

Redundant content: The page contains content in the comments: '! ...'.

There is redundant content in the comments section of the page. Please consider removing this redundant content.

0 / 1

Achieved score:
16 / 24


Using HTML 5: OK

Well done! Your page uses the HTML 5 standard.

1 / 1

Using headers: OK

Well done! Yours contains the header.

1 / 1

Use of footers: OK

Well done! Yours contains a footer.

1 / 1

Using navigation: OK

Well done! Yours includes navigation.

1 / 1

Division of content into sections: OK

Well done! Yours has the content divided into sections.

1 / 1

Obsolete elements: -

Well done! Your page does not contain any outdated HTML elements.

1 / 1

Achieved score:
6 / 6

Tags for social networks

Language settings: -

Your page does not have the correct tag value for the page language!

0 / 1

Content type settings: website

Well done! Your page has the correct tag for the page content type.

1 / 1

URL settings: https://{{ domain }}/

Your page has a page URL tag set, but its value does not contain a valid absolute URL.

1 / 2

Page Title: R.NF - Your Gateway to the Unfiltered Fediverse

Well done! Your page has the correct page title tag and the title is the appropriate size.

2 / 2

Page description: -

Your page does not have the correct tag value for the page description!

0 / 2

Setting the cover image: -

Your page does not have the correct tag value for the page title image!

0 / 2

Achieved score:
4 / 10

Keyword analysis

Number of words per page: 778

Well done! Your page contains enough words. There are '778' of words on the page.

2 / 2

The most common words on the page:
před | memeslemmyworldenglish | technologylemmyworldenglish | stripslemmyworld | comic | microblog | will | edit2před | uživatelů | lemmy

The most common words on your site should include your keywords.

1 / 1

Keyword consistency:
total numberin the captionin the descriptionin the headings

In the title, description and headings you have few key consider adding them.

0 / 0

Achieved score:
3 / 3

Loading resources

Using gzip compression: The web server uses gzip compression

Well done! Your server uses gzip compresses.

1 / 1

Page size: 41.4 kB

Well done! Your page is a reasonable size.

1 / 1

Files to load:
Linked files
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/static/61a827a1/assets/icons/icon-96x96.png3.5 kB
/static/61a827a1/assets/icons/icon-96x96.png3.5 kB kB kB kB kB
/static/61a827a1/assets/icons/icon-96x96.png3.5 kB kB kB
/static/61a827a1/assets/icons/icon-96x96.png3.5 kB kB kB 510.4 kB kB
TOTAL4 775.1 kB

Your page, including the source code, is 4 816.5 kB in size. Consider reducing the data transferred to display the page.

0 / 2

Number of requests: 75

Your page needs more than 30 of additional HTTP requests to load. Consider optimizing its number.

0 / 1

Achieved score:
2 / 5


Responsiveness: It is responsive

Well done! Your page is responsive and uses the viewport meta tag.

1 / 1

Using Unused

Your site does not use, consider using structured data.

0 / 2

Using Google Tag Manager: Unused

Your site does not use GTM, consider using it.

0 / 2

Links to error pages: Excludes
Note: Only 30 of randomly selected internal links were tested. Your page contains 174 of internal links.

Well done! Your page does not contain links to error pages.

1 / 1

Achieved score:
2 / 6

SEO test result

View the SEO test log Download the SEO test report
Achieved score:
(40 / 65)

61.5 %